country295 replied: "if it was me i would run adds,in the auto trader papers inter net,you have ins on it full coverage,,"
stickyfingers replied: "eBay all the way, or sell local on craigslist.....plenty of people looking for those parts.and if you do work,pull parts,pack,ship,you will make uot well,just alot of work."
How do you hook up the the door speaker on a 97 door to a 2000 vehicle? I own a 2000 dodge dakota, and had a huge dent in my door so i replaced it with a salvage yard door, but it is a 97 door. The wiring for the speaker on the door seems to be a little different can anyone tell me how i can hook the speaker up? Its the wires that run through the little rubber boot from the door to the side of the truck..
Mighty E replied: "cut the terminal from one harness and crimp/solder it to the other harness. you may want to take a AA or 9V battery and find the polarity of both speakers and plugs. write this down so that you know which terminal is positive and which is negative.
* when you connect the battery to the speaker, it will either pop out or retract and should stay there for as long as the battery is connected. if the speaker pops out, than the positive terminal on the battery will be connected to the positive terminal on the speaker and the same, respectively, for the negative. if the speaker retracts, than the polarity is the opposite *
make sure that when you connect the speaker in the door, the polarity is the same from left to right. if it is not, you will notice a drastic drop in your lower frequency sound reproduction (mid-bass to bass) and the mids/highs might sound a little off to a trained ear."
Replacing multi-switch on 2002 Dodge Ram? If I acquire the switch at a you-pull-it type of salvage yard, do I want to avoid trucks on which the airbag has been deployed?
sschevypwr replied: "a switch is a switch is a switch.
even if deployed it has reset for another go around, any will work"
I need an engine fusebox for my 2000 dodge quad cab dakota. Chrysler doesn't make them.? The electric cooling fan (auxiliary) relay blew out and got so hot that it melted the fusebox where it plugs in. Now, no relay will make contact in that particular hole. The truck computer wants to see it so I get an engine light on all the time and it won't pass inspection that way.
Salvage yards around here don't have one either. They apparently only used this particular style of box for a year, maybe 2 or 3, I don't know, then shifted to one about half again as big.
I called some online places. No dice.
I'm not a great mechanic, but I can bolt an auxiliary fan to the front side of the radiator and put a switch in the cab, no biggie there, but that won't solve the problem where the computer wants to see a working relay
Thank you very much for any suggestions.
BILL h replied: "go to an auto parts store like NAPA to see if they have something you can replace it with.they do make relay boxes or fuse boxes in after market parts."
1998 Dodge Ram 1500 V8 dies when i let off the gas.? Initially it wouldn't start at all so we took the battery in to test at NAPA. The battery ended up being bad so i bought a brand new battery from and took it back home and put it in. At this point the starter would click but it would not turn over. The car sat for a few days and I went out to try and start it a few days later only to find that it would no longer even click much less turn over. A little research online told me it was either a problem with the alternator (draining the battery when the car was off), the starter or both.
After a bit of work we got those off and took them in to NAPA to test. As luck would have it, they BOTH were bad!!! I couldn't believe it but I went ahead and checked the local salvage yard to see if I could find some used ones so that I would be able to eat for the rest of the month (HA!).
After a few days down time we put them in and found the battery had been drained from the previous alternator. So we jumped it and started it up. It started up but turned off as soon as i let off the gas. Tried it a few times and after a few seconds one time it started to smoke so i disconnected it and here I am. My funds are nearly extinguished and I'm not yet ready to sell my soul to pay for tow truck and mechanic. Any help would be greatly greatly appreciated.
I most definitely needed to replace every one of those things as I took them out and had them tested independently of the rest of the vehicle. The battery was completely drained and would not take a charge - therefore it needed to be replaced. The alternator and starter were both tested at NAPA auto parts store and ruled failed. I realize it's rare for that to happen, however unless NAPA's machines are broken (which i highly doubt) the problem is something different. I read somewhere online to check the cleanliness of the IAC (idle air control) motor. Does that make any sense to any of you mechanics out there? If so could anyone point me in the direction of how to clean it myself (if possible)? Thanks
~heather~ replied: "hmmm, take the new starter and the alternator and have them checked, also have your idler checked, it could be loose... other than that idk, my car had the same problem but i cracked two heads and warped a piston, hope thats not what happened to yours, then you would have to sell your soul and your mom's to get that fixed (cost me $3,500) but just in case, check your oil, if its cloudy, you've deffinately got a problem.
OH! disconect the positive terminal from your battery for about 10 min and then reconnect it, that will refresh your computer so that it doesn't remeber the last prooblem you had, could help, maybe not but its worth a shot
good luck"
dodge man replied: "the starter wont usually drain the battery when the car is off,but the alternator will,and those are real popular for going bad on chrysler products,and that will also make it die when you let off the gas if its not charging right,id start with having it checked,then check and make sure its charging when its at idle speed,if not replace the alternator some will charge above an idle enough to keep one running but not at idle speed,good luck."
MIchael J replied: "Your battery terminals Gotta be CLEAN Both ends. Your replacing all this stuff that doen't need to be. SLOW DOWN TAKE A BREATH. Check both your Battery cables END TO END! The Ground Should be Super CLEAN at the terminal AT the battery. FOLLOW it to the BLOCK. It should be super CLEAN too. Un bolt it from the block and CLEAN it with a wire brush. Look at the GROUND CABLE end to end. Is it all there and not coroaded?. Now Do the SAME thing with the positive cable. BUT MAKE SURE THE NEGITIVE STAYS DISCONNECTED WHILE YOUR PLAYING WITH THE POSITIVE. Heres the catch LOOK very closely at the end that bolts to the starter. There a big peice of rubber over the terminal. Water gets in there and causes a bad connecton Sometimes not all the time so just look at it. Look at the battery side the same thing can happen there. They sell new Battery terminals for $1.00 REPLACE them if they are shot. The moral of the story is you have a bad connection and wasted alot of money"

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