Gerald Ford Funeral
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Questions and Answers
Why did federal and many state workers get a paid day off for Gerald Ford's funeral? Unless they want the day off to attend the funeral or be in mourning, why should ALL federal employees get a paid day off at taxpayer expense for Gerald Ford's funeral? Is this a "floater" day off that they already have built-in or is it an extra one that taxpayers just pay for. Don't want to get flamed by federal workers OK? An explanation of the perk is in order though.

Ronald Reagan replied: "President Bush declared it a national day of mourning, it is customary when an ex-president dies. Yes, they will even do it when Carter kicks the bucket."

paulywog replied: "because he rocked"

crewdog60 replied: "Would you be asking this question if the funeral was for Carter or Clinton?"

What is the date of Gerald Ford's funeral? I want to know when all these comercials will end, I mean everytime there is a comercial break I see one or two comercial's about Gerald Ford... Yes it is serious deal with it, I live near where he grew up and its annoying, I'm sorry...

Kimberly B replied: "This can't be a serious question"

ana g replied: "today was his private funeral. he was buried today."

libsR4kids replied: "January 2, 2007"

glasgow girl replied: "his funeral was to-day, I saw it this afternoon on CNN, on my Canadian T.V."

Mary G replied: "Janurary 2 2007"

cin104 replied: "I think it's been every day this week. His poor body seems to have been dragged all over the U.S."

Gerald Ford's funeral? Will public schools close on Tuesday, January 2, for Gerald Ford's funeral? In response to current answers: 1. Not all schools are on holiday break that day. Most schools in my area start back January 2. 2. The question is not aiming to profiteer from the death of a historical figure (thanks to the woman who implies that I'm IN school and should learn some history). I am simply a teacher trying to figure out if I need to adjust my lesson plans.

TheOnlyBeldin replied: "Most are already closed anyway."

sandy h replied: "if your not on winter break i am surprised be glad your home watch it and learn some history to tell your kids about"

rudeboy replied: "is it going to make a difference ?"

NATIVE NEW YORKER replied: "schools in Florida are closed until Jan 9Th for the winter break"

dandlvegas replied: "No, they will not. Although he was a president, it would probably be against school board policy to be closed for a non-holiday day. We have several president's that have passed...we don't celebrate each and every single one of these days."

ggmsixer replied: "where i'm at in the US in indiana,,kids are on their holiday vacation so our schools are already closed..actually in all of the united states they're closed....until about the 8th or 9th....." replied: "I think schools might have been closed for JFK funeral, but I cannot remember any others. Should be, he was a good man"

abenezer scrooge replied: "yes."

lone_star_john replied: "It depends on the state or locality. Some schools will resume on January 2, regardless. Some are on Christmas break through this week. Some schools might actually call off on Jan. 2 as a form of respect--although few public schools would have that forethought, anyhow."

j replied: "I live in Maine, and my kids are supposed to go back to school on January 2nd. I have not heard that school is being cancelled tomorrow, but that is what I'm trying to find out now. I work for the post office and WE are closed tomorrow with no regular mail delivery."

DEBBIE S replied: "I live in NJ and work for Ft.Dix and McGuire Air Force Base elementary schools and I heard that they will not open tomorrow but I can't get a hold of anyone. I guess I have to get up early. And for the person who said to learn some history, you should think before you talk. My father was in the Army for 20 years and in 2 wars. I know my history."

CarlEdwardsfan replied: "i don't know. i go back to school on the 8th."

Who was at Gerald Ford's Funeral that were of great importance? Just list a few people thar attended please. Just list a few people who attended please

howard replied: "The ex-president Bill Clinton and his wife Hilary, Nancy Reagan, the former first lady, the ex-president Jimmy Carter and his wife Rosalyn, Henry Kissenger, the ex-president George Bush Sr. and his wife Barbara and so many old timers that served the U.S."

jenh42002 replied: "JImmy Carter Nancy Pelosi Harry Reid George and Barbara Bush Bill and Hilary Clinton and Chelsea George W. and Laura Bush Condoleeza Rice Vernon Jordan Sam Donaldson"

How much did Gerald Ford's funeral cost? The whole thing. And who pays? What about other presidential funerals?

Scarlett replied: "Im sure the American people will be paying for that funeral"

Mr. T-Burg replied: "I am sure presidential funerals cost a lot."

shrekster2 replied: "The Presidential funeral is of course a taxpayer expense.The Man afterall led our great nation and deserves the respect he got in his final farewell.I personally would rather see my tax dollars go to that event than say......paying disability and social security benefits to green card holders.At least President Ford was American."

xyz replied: "We the public pay and pay and pay, remember we are still paying the gas bill for Kennedy"

cyberdroid_2000 replied: "The funeral cost several million dollars, including planes, hotels and several other things, we pick up the tab, as always..☺"

abenezer scrooge replied: "a lot, and we pay."

ELx09 replied: "No doubt this all comes out of tax-payer dollars. I can see why you ask this question.. for some reason this funeral seemed a little extravagant and lengthy, especially for a president who isn't currently in office."

Gerald Ford's funeral cost? What did it cost the American tax payers for Ford's funeral? I know this answer is gonna get me mad...

Susan M replied: "I don't know for sure about Ford, but I think that when Reagan died, there were private sponsors through the Reagan Library for the funeral. I would imagine that there were some donors for Ford, too."

Auntie-Kryst replied: "It will be small when compared to Clinton's Funeral. They are going to have the NYC Radio Station Rockettes and the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders performing. They will also have a bunch of Hollywood liberals fly in on AF#1 with their staff. The honor guard will be doing close order drill with 3.5 foot cigars instead of rifles, and the horses will be replaced with llamas and camels. They will also be providing room, board, and transportation for the hare Krishna chanters, and Tibetan tumblers. Don't forget the cleanup too."

SantaBud replied: "The expense was picked up by private donations. Why would it make you angry? (just curious) He served on active duty in Europe during WW2, elected to Congress for 44 years by the people of Michigan, then assumed the office of VP following a scandal, & then Pres after more scandal. Gerald Ford served America proudly for over 50 years!! Is a state funeral offensive after a man commits so much of his life to serving the country he loved so dearly? His pardon of Nixon, while extraordinarily controversial at the time( to me also), was exactly what this country needed to begin healing & affect a full recover from Watergate & Viet Nam A State funeral was a small show of respect based upon his life of service to America, don't you think?"

maude_438 replied: "He WAS a world leader. As President, propriety demands a state funeral, and he deserves his place in history and a proper send off. Your bank steals more money from it's depositors in one month, than the cost of Gerald Ford's service. So let the man have his due, laid to rest with past presidents, and worry about things you actually have control over. Things you can affect. Enjoy being alive and kicking up your heals. Life is a journey, so enjoy it."

What day of the week will Gerald Ford's funeral be held? not where! What DAY (Tuesday, wednesday, etc.)

SCHLANGEMANN replied: "Not sure, but hopefully before his corpse starts showing visible signs of decay and starts stinking like rotten meat."

Donald H replied: "He was a neighbor of mine here in The Coachella Valley a well respected gentleman . however I will ask where is his burial to be" I have found out that there is to be a service and a chance to pay our respects to his remains at our church, St Margerets in Palm Desert Ca"

Dfirefox replied: "I am guessing he will laid to rest on Jan. 2nd,I don't think this country needs to start off the New Year with a funeral.I asked a similar question about the final resting day also. I read where he might be lying in state in the capital rotunda over the weekend. May he rest in peace."

abenezer scrooge replied: "I haven't heard anything yet."

willywonka172 replied: "I heard Wednesday"

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