I need a belt diagram for a 1978 GMC 454 Midas? I am trying to put the belts on and I cant figure out where they go. Is there a place online I can find a belt diagram or routing diagram?
Ya Boi replied: "www.gm.com/diagrams"
Jeff replied: "There should be a diagram under the hood of the vehicle. By the radiator or up under the hood. If not call the dealership. They can help."
Where can I find a diagram for routing a serpentine belt for a 95 gmc safari? or how to apply one?
the diagram on the hood is illegible...is there any site that I could pull it up on?
Dave S replied: "Actually the serpentine diagram should be under the hood, More or less on what could be considered the top radiator support. There should be a sticker with the routing diagram there.
Good Luck,
4acee@sbcglobal.net replied: "there should be a sticker on you radiator shroud that shows it. if not look in a haynes or chilton repair manual."
shovel replied: "If the belt is still on,take notes as to its route.If not you can figure it out if you're patient."
musiclicker replied: "I own a shop, and what I would do is this; You can go to the library, and take a look at a Chilton repair manual for your vehicle for free, and make a drawing from it. It shows it for a vehicle with, and without AC, so pay attention to the proper routing. Another idea is to stop at a car dealer, and look at one on the lot. Many parts stores have this information in their belt section on their computer network that you could copy. You should be able to figure it out on your own if you will look at all of the pulleys, you will notice some pulleys are smooth, while others have grooves. The pulleys that are smooth are for the back side of the belt, and the ones with the grooves are for the groove side of the belt. Start by putting the belt around the crank, and work your way in both directions around the closest pulleys to either point. Once you have them around all the grooved pulleys, you will then see how the smooth pulleys go pretty easily. You will end up at your tensioner pulley, at which point you may have to take it off one grooved pulley, crank the tensioner back, and put it on the last grooved pulley before you let the tensioner back off. On some vehicles this requires a special tool to do, but I think this is only on Fords.
Glad to help out, Good Luck!!!"
stevet replied: "If the diagram under the hood is not readable, go to any napa autoparts store or any autoparts store that sells Gates belts and in the front of there paper catalouge there will be a group of belt routeing guides and if they look up your truck, it will corispond to one one of the the diagrams. this is the easyst way that i can think of."
does anyone have a diagram for the fan belt on a 2001 v6 gmc 1500 pickup truck? owners manual is lost and the diagram under the hood is rubbed off
phockit47 replied: "Go to your local GM dealer. The parts dept. should be able to print a copy of the diagram for you...."
Country Boy replied: "Go to your Chevrolet parts counter they can help you. With luck Napa.or Car Quest should be able to help also."
bartender101dd replied: "This should help, wish i could cut and paste but it won't let me...
Gmc Sierra Serpentine Belt Diagram
... diagram on how to put on a serpentine belt for a 93 gmc ... playboy gmc sierra serpentine belt diagram ben savage dies chloe concepcion daughter of gabby. ...
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