Land Rover Cars Australia Facts
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Questions and Answers
What's the price for a Land Rover defender in Australia? You guys can tell me in Australian dollars. I'll make the conversion to euros. Jeezz I love this car, especially in black!!! It never gets old. The classic of all classics!! And I'm not even a car lover, but for this one I just go completely ga ga... And what happens is that I have big plans to relocate from Europe to Australia next year. I could be almost sure that it's where I'm going to live for the rest of my life, cos I have been dreaming about it ever since I was a little girl. So I guess I could have an idea on prices already when it comes to my dream car, just so that I can do my own personal maths LOLOL Thank you :) I found a price for 2007 but it obviously changed. The website where I found this price also told me that they were to be on sale in 2008, and that is the only thing I've managed to come across so far :/

misslala replied: "I cant find a price for it on the website? They have an add on TV for it but i cant remember how much it is. Soz :("

Ashleigh M replied: "I don't know how much they are in Ozzie, but over here in NZ they start at about $55,000"

Why can't i buy a good LAND ROVER? I live in a country that requires a tougher type of vehicle. I need the LAND ROVER that you sell in Australia or Africa. I live in TEXAS, i don't need some yuppy-fied, soccer mom, whimpy car like LAND ROVER you sell to these city people, weekend wanna be adventurers. I want to buy a real LAND ROVER. LAND ROVER was originally built to last, to go where no other truck could go, to be dependable not breaking down, and easy to work on. The LAND ROVERS i see here in TEXAS, look as yuppy-fied as an NFL lineman trying to figure skate. We the consumer deserve better, at least us true TEXANS.

John C replied: "The Defender is not sold in the US, just get a Wrangler Unlimited and stop wining."

Ben C replied: "Bad luck, you should move over here to the UK - there are millions of sturdy Defenders and Series Land Rovers for sale! It's not Land Rover's fault - it's your health and safety regulations. To sell the Defender in the USA Land Rover would have to fit air bags to the Defender to meet safety requirements which is just not economically viable for a small market and it would possibly mean extensive alterations to the classic and well-loved exterior design of the Defender that would not go down well over here! (the design change that is - we would appreciate the airbags!) If you really want a tough Land Rover then buy a second hand Defender, they were sold in the US for a short period between 1993 and 1997 before the safety regulations were changed. You're gonna need a bit of cash to spare though - they're $20-30,000 and upwards! East Coast Rovers rebuild the best Defenders, check their website out! Hope this helps!"

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