Ashram replied: "DLP is "Digital Light Processing" and is also a trademark owned by Texas Instruments and competitive to LCD projection, CRT projection, LCoS (Liquid Crystal on Silicon), SXRD (Silicon X-tal [short for crystal] Reflective Display), and D-ILA (Digital Direct Drive Image Light Amplifier).
Please note that, although LCoS, SXRD and D-ILA are LCD technologies, they work similar to DLP in that light is reflected off the imaging devices instead of having light shone through it like in regular LCD projection.
Anyways, DLP is a projection technology where a light shines on an array of oscillating mirrors.
There are single mirror systems and three mirror systems. Single mirror systems employ a color wheel that alternates between the primary colors while three mirror systems do not since each array is for each primary color.
Disregarding the source, image quality and viewing angles can vary quite drastically as this depends on the quality and type of design and on whether it uses a traditional incandescent light engine, LED light engine or, in the case of Mitsubishi LaserVue, a laser light engine."
June J replied: "Yup! DLP is digital light projection.....It's MUCH larger than lcd/plasma, but has a good picture...they wach have their own benefits!"

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