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Mitsubishi Big Screen TV Convergence Repair? A friend of mine is selling a Mitsubishi 61" Rear Projection T.V. Medallion HD1080 series model #WS-65819. The TV does work but he says it needs convergence repaired. Supposedly parts cost only $15 and it's not too hard to do yourself. I have done some work on electronics and know how to solder. He is selling the TV for $80. Does this sound like a good deal? Thanks!

rmm replied: "Don't know about your specific problem - but I had an old projection TV that the chips solder would become weak over time. I just resoldered the chips and all worked great - for a while."

Sandy Jiang replied: "it depends on the buyer, it sounds good on me if the repair only cost 15"

Jack of Trades replied: "No that doesn't sound like a deal to me. If it needs convergence repaired then I don't consider it working. Lets assume that is repairable, then estimate how much it would cost your buddy to hire a professional to repair it, around $400 lets say. The TV could be worth $480 if it's repairable. If you decide to do the repair yourself, don't give your buddy the discount for your time, knowledge, ability. To you buddy the TV is worthless."

Cableguy replied: "for $80 yes but buy the part an put it in at his house if it doesnt work then you don t have to get rid of it"

grumpy_61101 replied: "I would get the TV, but i fix them too, there will be two Ic's you need and they both cost at least $15.00 each if you find a good place to buy them. replacing the part is fine once you get the board out of the unit to fix it. It is just a major pain to remove/replace the board. Make sure they have the remote for the tv since you will need to adjust the convergence when all done."

where can i find the price for a convergence chip for my mitsubishi projection tv? me and my fiance are buying a rear projection tv but it needs a convergence chip but we just want to know how much its going to cost?

tand replied: "google the # on the chip most chips cost between $40 - $80 there are two of them in the set you should replace both at the same time and check for any other defective parts in the circuit.if you replace the ic and still have a bad part you usually destroy the chip when you turn the set on. do not use cheap aftermarket replacement they will not last ."

geso replied: "Hi, Just go to Mitsubishi's website and look for technical help number, ask from them. They can probably ship one right to your door. Then either a technician or if you know how to fix projection tv's, can replace the bad chip. Good luck!"

mitsubishi 42" 1080i projection tv convergence problems. Need help!? Ok it started with a small convergence problem. I had double images and the colors were not alligned. I could not adjust the red convergence cross vertically, only left to right using the remote. I found something to access the main service codes and it said to reset convergence press menu 2259 then menu 8970 to reset. Well i did and now the convergence is way off and i have convergence bending at the sides of the screen! Did i do my tv in or is this fixable without too much cost? I found out later that the problem was most likelly the IC's but i hope i didnt do more damage by accessing the service codes!? Please help Thanks in advance!

Lewis C replied: "I have a similar problem with a Philips brand I'm beginning to think that these settings are being stored in a volatile memory and the convergence information some how gets trashed the digital versions supposedly does not have this problem. There is a way to manually converge the screen but will take some time using your controller assuming that the circuit it self isn't DOA."

Bob W replied: "Your TV can be re-converged, but it's a time-consuming process. As you discovered, resetting the convergence data is not such a good idea. It simply zeroes out all the previous convergence adjustments. Now you have to start over. I doubt you have any hardware problems. Convergence ICs have been known to go bad, but semiconductors are pretty reliable overall. So your scenario now is to go back into the service menu and do a full geometry calibration. You will start with the green gun only, and get it as perfectly aligned as you can with a crosshatch test pattern. Then you will align the red and blue to the green. You will need the service manual for this so you don't accidentally do any further damage. Your best bet may be to pay for an experienced technician to do this for you. It's the kind of thing you get better at with practice. If you watch and learn what the technician does, you'll be better equipped to do it yourself in the future. Most technicians will charge you several hundred dollars for this kind of recalibration."

TV TECH-man replied: "Well the convergence amps are definitely bad since you could not adjust the red in both directions.... Those will need replaced. Since you reintialized the convergence settings you actually made MORE work for the TV Tech....A simple replacement of the amps would have cost around $300....Now you can expect a $500 job.....or more. And it will have to go to the shop to repair it, instead of the TV tech fixing it in your home in 1 1/2 hours.... It'll take him about 5 hours....."

Edward B replied: "Who gave you the information about how to access the service menu? They just cost you a bundle of cash. First a technician must address the trouble causing the lack of control of the red. That is probably the output amp IC, then the set will need to be re-converged from top to bottom. If that service menu had not been accessed, there would have been much less to the repair. As had been posted before. I will add. Those menus are hidden for a reason, I bet you know that reason now."

Where can I find service manual to Mitsubishi WS-55809 TV? I need to find the convergence ICs.? The convergence ICs went out on my TV. I have taken the back off, but do not know where they are located. Can someone please help?

splash replied: "You can download the Mitsubishi WS-55809 service manual from "

the blue convergence ic on my Mitsubishi VS-50111 50" 1080i Big Screen TV wont move up.? the blue convergence ic on my Mitsubishi VS-50111 50" 1080i Big Screen TV wont move up when i try to line it up with the red and green. how do i fix that? i played with it once and it fixed itself for like 10 minutes but i don't know what i touched to fix it again.

Fred F replied: "Solder the poor connections on the pins on the blue convergence integrated circuit."

convergance board on a mitsubishi tv!!? i have 2 tv's - rear projection 1 is a mitsubishs and the other is a panasonic w/ a power supply problem . would i be able to take the convergence board out of the panasonic and rewire it in the mitsubishi w/o starting a fire/?

Mr. Peachy® replied: "It's possible to do without starting a fire as all of the parts must be flameproof... by law. However, if you think it's going to work, forget it. It won't. The two boards are entirely different. It would be much simpler to repair the sets. Mitsubishis are famous for blowing the convergence amplifier ICs. They're a dime a dozen."

How do I get my Mitsubishi HD 1080 to stay on so I can watch TV? I was watching tv for 45 min into the program & suddenly, the tv turned off by itself & it will not stay on when turned back on. When I power on, the green indicator light will stay on for 2 secs then it turns off by itself. The only thing that I did different was perform advanced convergence 3 days ago. Please help.

Stephen M replied: "A protection circuit in the TV is tripping. If you want to watch this TV again, you need to get it to a Mitsubishi repair facility or get a repair person to your home."

Sony KP-51WS510 Wide Screen Projection TV - convergence?? I have this 3 yr old Sony and last saturday I am watching a movie at 3:00am (Anaconda, if you are interested) and then went to bed. Woke up at 8:00 am and my picture is screwed up now. I have tried flash focus, no luck there and also manual convergence with in the set up screens but no luck there. It appears that the guns are off because I am getting this tri color ghost effect and the screen is concaved at the top and bottom. (Remember the older tv's where you would work the horizontal/vertical knobs and you get the same effect - only no knobs to turn here.) Does anyone know how I can adjust these things from the back of the set? The lenses appear to be stationary and not able to move (unlike my old mitsubishi) but there is a wing nut on each lense ring and I haven't touched those yet as I am not sure what exactly they are there for and think maybe what I need to adjust is beneath the lense rather than THE lense. Thoughts???

mapleguy replied: "Based on your description, I would say some componant has gone bad. There are controls in the back for adjusting the convergence, but to do it right, you need a color bar generator. You would be better off taking it to a repair shop where they can find and replace the bad componant, and then do a proper adjustment."

Color problems on a Mitsubishi 42 inch TV? I have a Mitsubishi 42 inch TV. Model WT-42315. It is 5 years old, so no more warranty. It is one of those older "projection" TV's (not a nice new flat screen). What is happening is yellow and blue "shadows" around characters as well as words. I have tried to re-set the convergence, to no avail Thoughts anyone? thanks

Fred F replied: "The convergence IC's and maybe some resistors need replaced."

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