Michael replied: "if its sputtering its the fuel filter garunteed. its easy to change. go to an auto parts store tell them to come outside listen to your car and ask if its the fuel filter."
Tray replied: "Tune up and clean injectors with spray."
97 Nissan Altima Idle Bouncing!? Hey guys, I have a problem with my 97 Altima, after driving the car for a bit, the idle sometimes, not all the time starts bouncing from 700rpm to as low as 200 300 rpm, sometimes its small just nudges at 650, but it the most serious case, when breaking, the car turns off!
I took it to my friends, he hooked his laptop up with his software and the only error said "knock sensor". I was wondering if I replace the knock sensor, will it fix this problem, or am I looking at something else to replace? I called a few mechanics and they said, "how do you know its the knock sensor" and they said the knock sensor doesn't cause the cars idle to bounce.
If you guys can help me, that will be great, because car shops take 100 bucks for car diagnostics which is too much for me! Thanks for the help in advance.
gary o replied: "sounds like the throttle body is dirty. Get a can of special throttle body cleaner and follow the directions on the can. I would do this first."
2005 Nissan Altima Idle problem.? Ther service light came on...and I notice that it idles at below 1000RPM...is this normal?
It also has a rough idle and I can feel the car "jump".
I'm thinking I might have a misfire, can this be the cause?
It's a 3.5L V6.
John Paul replied: "Several things only 600 separate engine and check engine light codes. That light turns on because there is a possibility of excess emissions. Driving a car with a Misfire will cause the cat converter to overheat. Have your car diagnosed by a Nissan Technician or a very good independent shop."
Why does my 2001 Nissan Altima engine surge when at idle? When at a stop sign, the car surges forward repeatedly. When I put my foot on the accelerator it seems to calm the surging temporarily. What could be causing this?
njdevil replied: "Wow odd because I have a 2001 Nissan Altima GXE Limited Edition (hopefully that will change by the end of this week though).
I would be very surprised if it is the exact same thing, but I had a similar problem. I am used to the car's fan turning on loudly or it to raise or lower its RPM while stopped for a while, but a couple months back I had a bigger problem.
When I was stopped at a light or a stop sign for more than 5-10 seconds the RPM guage would jump up about 500 RPM sporadically. This would continue once every two seconds until I accelerated, at which point it was gone. This happened a few times but it became much much more frequent until it was everytime I stopped. Also it was happening worse and worse over time.
What really annoyed me about this problem was that as it was surging up and down the car was kind of lunging with it a bit. If I was reversing out of my driveway it was like I kept tapping hte break or something because the entire car would be lunging with this surge in RPM.
Finally I got it checked out and the news was not good. It was a leaky intake valve. The valve was leaking air so when we were stopped it was pumping the air in, but some was escaping causing the car to sputter and lunge and do crazy things. It is VERY IMPORTANT that you get it checked out because if it is the same problem then it could be a catastrophic repair if the valve breaks. To just fix it, it is still not going to be cheap. Expect $800-1000. I hope this is not the issue, but they sound very similar.
My 01 altima is having more and more problems (not as huge as this one, only around $500) so I am getting rid of it within a couple of week. It has 95,000 miles on it and it is not doing well at all. My girlfriend has the identical car (by accident not by design) with 47,000 miles on it and it is doing fine (even though the few repairs it needs are big ones). I'm just saying that I wouldnt throw huge amounts of money in the car after a while.
Sorry to ramble. If you do get it diagnosed please let me know what it is as I am curious. Even if I dont get best answer if you could add it in. Thanks and best of luck :-)"
1999 Nissan Altima with rough idle? Your Open QuestionShow me another ยป
1999 Nissan Altima with rough idle?
My altima has a rough idle, I usually put it in neutral when I'm at a light. I've been reading what other people have to say about this and they all say this is a problem with the intake manifold. Basically I'm wondering how often I will need to get this fixed and how important it is. My check engine light isn't on and I have about 98,000 miles on it.
Li replied: "www.redrosezone.com, check this,and u will find the answer"
skiairplane replied: "I would try a few things before I take it in. Try doing a fuel injector cleaner that can clean all the internal parts. You can buy this at any auto store. It could be the intake, but you may have got some bad gas if this just started. If that does not solve the issue, have a mechanic check it out. Rough idle can loosen parts over time and create other issues that may cost more to fix."
John Paul replied: "Your correct spray flammable liquids at your own risk but if you spary carb. cleaner along the back of the engine behind the valve cover between the head and intake manifold. If the motor smooths out you have found a bad intake manifold gasket. Generally this happens to CLY#3 and CLY#4 Good luck replacing the manifold to head gasket. Not much room the only thing hard is getting the gasket surfaces clean enough for a new gasket. Any small piece of old gasket could cause the same problem or coolant loss. Good Luck."
mohd a replied: "check for any leek from hoses to inlet manifold or remove the airduct and spray cleaner inside the throttle body to remove the carbon ....."
up and down idle in 2001 Nissan Altima? Any suggestion what would cause the idle to be up and down and cause the RPM to drop low enough at times to stall. When driving it's OK and if it is put in neutral or park at a stop light it tends to even out. Any suggestions?
sleepydo replied: "usually a vaccum leak from the hose."
Donald replied: "try the throttle positioning sensor or even the idle air control sensor , either one of these two being faulty will cause your problem"

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