fast_lex2000 replied: "Unless you're willing to spend about 5,000 to boost 7psi, and maybe dyno 200HP at the wheels, don't bother.
Accords aren't turbo'd as much as civics, therefore, there aren't too many kits for them, and a GOOD one ( always get a GOOD turbo kit when getting one, none of those on ebay) is about 2,500-3,000 dollars. These kits from DRAG or TURBONETICS are good for about 250hp, and will require not only a tunning which can cost a lot. You'll need a tuner to change the ECU settings or get a piggy pack to connect to the ECU or if you have a lot of cash, a stand alone system like Hondata, that cost about 600 bucks and still require a pro. to tune it, and dyno it.
It's not cheap...Not to mention you need to get your car turbo ready...bigger injectors, etc, this can be a grand in itself.
Honda's unlike DSM's ( Mitsubishi's) don't like boost (turbo) take the reliability out of a Honda by putting on a turbo or supercharger.
do it if you have a lot of money, are sponsored, or just want to be different..
otherwise...get a different car if you want turbo or supercharger."
mike replied: "first, it helps to understand how both work. both do the same thing, which is cram as much air in to the intake manifold as possible. more air=better combustion=more power. the difference is in how they work.
a supercharger runs on a belt drive, just like your alternator, water pump, ac, whatever. it uses power from the engine to spin its turbine and cram air. very effective, and always providing power, but it takes power from the engine to run, so the overall gain is slightly lower, and your mileage will likely suffer a very small amount, since aspirating a gas engine doesnt necessarily increase efficiency.
a turbo charger uses the pressure from the engine exhaust to power its turbine. it takes no power away from the engine to run. the drawback is that the power increase is only substantial at higher rpm's, since that is when exhaust pressure is greatest. the delay before the turbo kicks in is what people call turbo lag. its not actually a loss of power, its just the engine running at stock power before the turbo spools up. at its peak, a turbo produces more power than a supercharger, but a supercharger boosts power throughout the rpm range, instead of just in the power band.
as for installation, usually a supercharger is easier to install, since you dont have to modify the exhaust system, only the intake. under normal usage, there really isnt any difference in the durability of either, but in racing and extreme tuning applications, a turbo will fail first because of high exhaust temps burning up the internal components.
for a normal driver, a turbo is usually better, since it requires less regular maintenance, and the peak power is higher, along with the awesome turbo sound.
for a racing application, it really depends on your driving style, car setup, skill level, and how much you plan on tweaking things later. superchargers are more forgiving as far as abuse and over-tuning, but again, turbos provide better peak power."
spyda78 replied: "well a supercharger would be by far the easier power adder all you have to do is bolt it on and route some belts but it takes power to make power with the supercharger but you have more low end power cause you don't have to wait for it to spool up like a turbo you get instant boost a turbo on the other hand you gotta get a different exhaust manifold you have to plumb the exhaust and you have to run a inter-cooler for more power but you have more high end power and it doesn't take power away from the engine like the supercharger but it all depends on what your gonna use it for a supercharger would probably be better for if your just driving it around and i would think it would last longer cause half of it is not gonna be glowing red from the exhaust heat but if your gonna be doing alot of racing and are a good driver i would say the turbo but there alot to think about when you us one"
Shane replied: "go with the turbo, superchargers are only for american cars"
imthevoiceofgod replied: "A supercharger is the safer, more cost effective application.
Turbo add a lot of heat to your engine and are more prone to problems. They also require a lot more turning.
Superchargers are almost plug and play. They require very little to install. Are a lot safer for your engine than turbos. They dont have massive turbines so and run off cooled intake air (as opposed to turbo running off of hot exhaust air) so they keep temperatures in the engine bay down.
Superchargers give you more power at lower RPMs.
Superchargers generally give more torque gains that Turbos."
where can i find a supercharger for a '99 Honda Accord? what is the difference between a supercharger and a turbo. which 1 is faster, do they use a lot of gas?
♣[JDM_HERO]™ ♣ replied: "jackson racing sells one for it. i like turbo better, both use more gas because your driving the car harder than it was designed to drive."
ivtecpakiness83 replied: "the better choice for your car would a be a turbo
supercharger = most superchargers these days are powered by a belt, the belt spins and the faster it spins the more power you get.. the belt is spinned by air induction.. superchargers are good for muscle cars espically v8's plus a supercharger is easier and cheaper to maintain then a u turbo
turbo= also uses forced air to give your car more power but a turbo is powered by a turbine driven by your engines own exhaust gases.. < no belts here, a turbo is a better setup espically for hondas..
before you get a supercharger or a turbo i seriously hope your accord is stickshift.. an automatic transmission is not designed to handle so much power fom a turbo or supercharger. if your car is stick your still gonna have to beef up your transmission to handle all that extra power.. if your car is automatic ya i dont suggest you doing anything crazy to your engine you will blow your engine very quick.."
Turbo or Supercharger for 2000 Honda Accord OR the J30a1 engine? i'm look for a turbo or supercharger that can go with my 2000 Honda Accord which has a J30a1 engine. it is a 3.0L V6 VTEC. if you find something please tell me where i can find it (website). thanks.
Snoman replied: "superchargers blow their inefficent and use alot of their power just to run itself, turbos lot more efficent and weight less, any turbo will work but you gota have all the mods if your cramming air into the engine.. most of all stronger injectors."
Theneelster replied: "Stronger injectors? There's no such thing. What you meant to say was injectors that have a higher rate of flow per hour (pound per hour).
Turbo kits are more expensive and labor intensive then buying a low boost supercharger kit. Most superchargers are modular meaning you can replace the pulleys to increase the boost, and if you run low boost you likely don't need an intercooling system (which you DO need for a turbo). Yeah it saps power but superchargers don't spool (at least roots s/c s) so there's generally little to no lag and the power is distributed throughout the band. Whereas a turbo generally requires 4k before you get power.
I don't know who makes a kit for an accord but the usual suspects might have something: hks and greddy."
Honda Accord 20000 v6 / Comptech supercharger? I am planning to start small on my 2000 J30A1 upgrade. thinking of
CAi, High flo Cat, J32A2 cam swap, throttle body, 50- 75 shot NOS.
trans cooler.
With a comptech supercharger which of the above would have to go?
hassan a replied: "NOS will have to go. because the supercharger will and more air compression the NOS might ignite and explode."
Is there a turbo kit or supercharger for a honda engine K24A8? Is there a turbo kit or supercharger for a honda engine K24A8, it is in a 2007 honda accord with manual
Jimi C replied: "there are for sure turbos for accords im pretty sure you could get a turbo for any honda you just have to make sure you prepare your car for a turbo because a stock car is made to not have a turbo so you need prep you ride, just check any after market shop they should help you"
i have a 1991 Honda Accord DX i am looking for a turbo kit,turbocharger,or supercharger but i can't find one can someone help me find one or know how or where i can get one.
christopher h replied: "honestly if youre car isnt close to a brand new motor i wouldnt put a turbo on it. chances are you will blow the motor. to answer your question it is very unlikely that they make a kit for youre motor. it being a 91 and non vtech, its not very desirable to turbo that motor."
Stan replied: "i too want to turbo my accord. i have turbo for my civic. i hear that the turbo manifold from an eclipse 1st generation is very close to your motor. they say you just need to drill a few holes in it. other wise i cant find a cheap manifold. you can get that manifold off ebay for the eclpise and a custom accord manifold. a macine shoop can weld you a custom manifold. if you can get a turbo manifold and flange to fit it, then BOOST! i have seen 90-93 accords turbo-ed. good luck"
Ironhand replied: "Try here------>"
How Do I Make My 2001 Honda Accord LX V6 have more power? I was Thinking about a turbo or supercharger but i wanna start small so a little on the cheaper side.. I will be buying a cold air intake system.. it has Dual Exhaust and i want to know a nice plan to maximize my power.. im happy on sounds already i just need help on the performance.. no help needed with audio i know what im doing there.
Sophie T replied: "u dump that and buy a ferrari"
Nate replied: "Take out that wimpy 4 cylinder goped engine and drop in a V8"
Rocky replied: "well there i a few things u can do... for one you can buy a performance chip... thats a good easy way to start... just plug her into the pcm and your ready to rock... but in an accords case... i would def turbo charge NOT supercharge... supercharging it would be a whole lot of compression for that little motor and would take a lot more mods to consume it... good luck mannn"
braden12 replied: "take the speed cap off. whatever its called. i cant remember.
very illegal dont get caught"
jayhaze550 replied: "if its not stick look into doin a swap for the tranny a tl tranny 6 speed and a supercharger on the j series motor (v6 honda) work very well better then turbo .. if your ganna go turbo your ganna have to get it custom and its worth it if u need high hp and have a 6 speed... if your looking for fast cheap quick power look into juic (nos) ... works very well .. also a full exhaust will bring more power into your motor ...u can swap it with a 3.5 honda pilot motor alot more hp and much more tq on a tl 6 speed tranny"

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