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Find Tornadoes Lincoln Nebraska in Q&A
When was the last time there was a tornado in Lincoln, or Ceresco, Nebraska?'s getting pretty crazy over here.... when was the last time a tornado occured in Lincoln, Nebraska? Or Ceresco?

pegminer replied: "I can't tell you when the last tornado was in Lincoln, but the last time I was in Lincoln there was a tornado that struck about 4 miles down the road from us. That was in 2004 on the same night as the Hallam tornado."

Tell me about Lincoln Nebraska? You guys are really good thanks in advance. I just want to know is there a lot of black people? do they have tornadoes hurricanes earthquakes? Is there any mountains in NE. Any thing you could tell me an no dis respect but what are the chances that there are more gay people that stright, THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT!

AliBaba replied: "other that it is in Nebraska I could not give you any more information, but get back to us when you find out. Smile and be happy!"

nevflo2 replied: "Check these links out: As for LGBT, check out these links: Hope they help! =)"

teetiger replied: "Well, from what I know... The land is flat all around and tornadoes come roaring through there every week or so, and there's a big grain elevator full of wheat you can see miles away and it's the most exciting thing around. I think there's about 2 black people and a zillion rednecks with cowboy hats and bull whips driving beat up trucks with dixie flags on the antenna. (Sorry, but it's just what I've heard!)"

Rosie the Riviter replied: "There is a tumble weed, a flock of seagulls and not much else."

HUSKERC94 replied: "Jesus people, its not the 1950s. Ok, there are all sorts of people in Lincoln, Ne just like any other place. And certain areas of town and other cities are getting bad, I hate to say. They do have hills, and everything else all other places have. they love the Cornhuskers and have the sea of red at the games to prove it. But not everyone moves there because of the college town. I grew up with all sorts of races, Black, White, Asian, Native American, Hispanics, etc. When I first moved there, yeah there was alot of open space for new additions for homes, etc. They do have tornados, hot as hell in the summer and cold as hel in the winter. As for the percentage of the gay community, I don't know, but just like any other place, they like there too. And I have never experienced racism there compared to other places I have lived."

Kurt J replied: "Lincoln itself has never had a tornado. There have been tornadoes near by and there have been warnings and the Thunderstorms are definitely something to write home about, but just to set the record straight there has never been a tornado in Lincoln itself. While there are a wide variety of people given that it is in part a college town, the overall population is predominantly white. Back in the 80's it was referenced as one of the towns the highest number of lesbians I believe per capita but I don't know if that has held up, or if it was just an urban legend. And by no means will there be more gay than straight. Lincoln itself is pretty flat but as the southeast part of the state is technically a "river valley" there are some rolling hills that provide a little bit of contour to the scenery."

TK421 replied: "There is a small population of Blacks in Lincoln. I went to school there and out of 30,000 on campus there was 2,000 Black students. Lincoln has not had a tornado but the area does and can get them. No hurricanes or earthquakes even thought the Humboldt fault runs through the eastern part of the state. There is no mountains you are on the plains of the great Midwest. There are gay people out there. Sometimes they do not make it know completely. There is some conservatism in Nebraska. From my experience you will meet people from all different walks of life who are good people. Yes you will run into the ignorant farm boy as I called them. But you will find them everywhere. Yes as a person mention before Saturday's in Lincoln are awesome for home games if you love college football. There is nothing like seeing entire state come together and watch one team."

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